Counselling – Mind N Mood Counselling , Therapy & Psychological Assessment Sun, 05 Mar 2023 08:13:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214728641 Shraddha Walkar Aftab:insane crime in Relationship!!?Current Issue Fri, 25 Nov 2022 00:30:27 +0000 Is Aftab is psycho?!!Is this a case of Love Jihad?Is it a Maniac Act only?Is it a strong message not to opt for Live-in as secure and seriousĀ  relationship as Traditional way of Marraige with Social values.

The case of Shraddha Walkar bruttely buchered by her boyfriend Aftab raised many unsolicited questions amongs youth and society.With eavry new day arise its been some or other facts/details been obtained on subject and what these all indicates or concludes to?!

Surely its a Maniac act and also been viewed ‘SHRADDHA’ as an icon of ‘confused live-in slave’ in the name of ‘new age open minded indipendent youth” detached from parents but been submissive slave of her live-in partner whom she can’t even stoped against tourchering,brutallizing,banning to speck and live with other people of society,getting help from Police or other NGOs aginst domestic violance,abuse and controling her life in most unhuman way from years.

Besides some news inputs regarding nature of criminal affected due to drug adiction simply cant justify such acts and increases social faith for relationship through Indian tradition marriage system and parents role for secure degnified life with partner against Live-in etc.

But still the bunch of questions are not satisfied as why Highly Educated,Fully Confident,New age Indipendent young and mature shraddha not confronted and parted from her inhuman,criminal minded,maniac,psycho, so called ‘drug addict’ boyfriend and remained her terified slave for years even after knowing his intentions and possibality of she will get murdered and buchered by him??!

We are are keen to know the role of parents in upbringing of child,social and religious influance,media including TV,Mobile,webseries with unristricted various content influencing youth and thier dyemics for relationships.Its been needed to check our part of resposibality with concern.

–Dr.Sapna Bhatt




